Apache Spark Download Mac

Learning Apache Spark is easy whether you come from a Java, Scala, Python, R, or SQL background: Download the latest release: you can run Spark locally on your laptop. All it takes to set-up ZenMate is one click. X is pre-built with Scala 2. Download Spark: Verify this release using the and project release KEYS. A project administrator can install the Analytics Engine Powered by Apache Spark service on IBM Cloud. Ensure that a Red Hat OpenShift administrator has completed the steps in Preparing for air-gapped installations to download the required files for the service. Ensure that the Mac OS or Linux machine where you will run the commands meets. Connect with me or follow me at https://www.youtub. C: Spark bin spark-submit -class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi -master local C: Spark lib spark-examples.jar 10 If the installation was successful, you should see something similar to the following result shown in Figure 3.3. Get Spark from the downloads page of the project website. This documentation is for Spark version 3.0.1. Spark uses Hadoop’s client libraries for HDFS and YARN. Downloads are pre-packaged for a handful of popular Hadoop versions. Users can also download a “Hadoop free” binary and run Spark with any Hadoop version by augmenting Spark’s.

I was trying to install Apache Spark and it turned out that it was more difficult than I had imagined it would be. I use MacPorts as my package manager and so the Homebrew installation is not an option. So here I am trying to build from source.

There are two main problems with

  1. It turns out to be the zinc compiler that does not pass the $JAVA_HOME environment variable to the compilation process.
  2. You need the exact java version (which may not be the latest version) for the compilation. This is actually a strange criterion.
  3. It helps to have maven installed. No. Actually it’s necessary.

So here, I shall work you through the process.

Installing the Prerequisites

This has some really peculiar prerequisites. The versions for Java, javac and and maven have to be exactly correct.

Install Java (if you don’t have version 1.7)

Check your version of Java (java -version) and javac (javac -version). If either/both of them differ from 1.7, just download JDK version 1.7 and install it, even if you have the latest version which happens to be 1.8 at the time of writing, already installed. This is generally present in the folder



Apache spark 2.4.5

Apache Spark 2.4.5

Now you need to set the current path to the right version of java. For this you export the correct folder location to your ~/.bash_profile

Install Maven

Maven 3.3 isn’t available on MacPorts yet. However, it is relatively easy to install. Just download the .tar.gz file, put it in your favorite folder, and link to it …

Turn off the zinc incremental compilation

Finally, you will need to turn off the zinc incremental compilation. For this, change the following line in the pom.xml file


Build Spark

Now, just run the normal build command …


Apache Spark Virtual Machine Download

Hopefully these woes will not bother you any longer in the coming releases. However, if these problems still linger, you know where to look.